8 Apr 1995
This booklet has been long in the making - and I still have more to be done. However, I've decided to put together what I now have.
While I was looking at the Wisconsin Federal Census of 1860, Portage County, for my mother's Roe ancestors, I accidentally came across the Blakey family - a surprise since my Grandfather George supposedly was born in Hayward, Wis. The census (a copy is included here) shows Henry and Jemima, an older couple Edward and Margaret (Henry's parents), and James all born in England and Emily born in Wis.
By the 1870 Federal Census, they had moved to Jackson County, Minnesota - Emily had died and George had been born (in Wis.) Edward was listed alone, indicating his wife Margaret had died (I did find in the Mortality Schedule that she died in February of that year). Family tradition says that both Margaret and Emily were buried on the family farm.
By 1880, James had married and was listed with his wife; Henry and Jemima were listed with George and Will, their third son. Edward had remarried a Martha Haggard (a relative of James wife?) and had four children. I have found no trace of them anywhere.
An affidavit attached to a land record in 1904 states that in 1882 Edward left his family and returned to England, dying there in 1889. I have yet to verify that.
Besides the Census, I have included copies of obituaries (not every statement in obits. is accurate), and pictures, plus computer printouts of descendants. I would appreciate corrections, additions, suggestions, help in research, etc.
Verla A. Williams
4333 Pine Ridge Trail NE
Iowa City, IA 52240
UPDATE (31 Jan 2020): I received Edward BLAKEY's death certificate in the mail yesterday. The affidavit was incorrect. Edward died on 14 Nov 1886. He was living on the same street in Bradford as his daughter, Eliza, and her husband, William Hanson. The informant on the certificate was their daughter Harriet (Hanson) Littleson.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Map of Bradford, Yorkshire and Manchester, Lancashire, England
Prior to just very recently (Summer 2019), most of our searching for BLAKEY ancestors centered around Bradford in Yorkshire county, England since both of the obituaries of Henry and Jemima (Thorp) BLAKEY mentioned that they were born in Bradford. Below is a map of Bradford and also the neighboring county of Lancashire from where we discovered that Henry's ancestors came.

Map of Bradford, Yorkshire and Manchester, Lancashire, England. Image courtesy of DuckDuckGo.com.

Map of Bradford, Yorkshire and Manchester, Lancashire, England. Image courtesy of DuckDuckGo.com.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Ancestors of Henry BLAKEY
For many years we were unable to discover any of the BLAKEY ancestors prior to Edward BLAKEY, who came to America with his wife Margaret, son Henry (my maternal 2x great grandfather), and family. Without realizing it at the time, the key to unlocking this information was in the 1860 US Census where the family's surname was listed as "BLAKOW" (pronounced BLAY-koh).
Searches in the Ancestry.com database provided census material in Yorkshire for 1841 and 1851. Along with other documents and records, we were slowly able to piece together the most probable ancestry of Henry Blakey back several generations more than previously had been known. Below is a chart tracing Henry's ancestry back six generations. The records use several variant spellings of "BLAKOW" including: BLACKO, BLACKOE, BLACKOW, BLACOE, BLACOW, and BLAIKOE. For convenience, and because it seems to have been one of the most common spellings, we have decided to adopt "BLACKOW" for all of Edward's paternal ancestors.
Henry BLAKEY pedigree chart. Image courtesy of Williams Family Pages.
Searches in the Ancestry.com database provided census material in Yorkshire for 1841 and 1851. Along with other documents and records, we were slowly able to piece together the most probable ancestry of Henry Blakey back several generations more than previously had been known. Below is a chart tracing Henry's ancestry back six generations. The records use several variant spellings of "BLAKOW" including: BLACKO, BLACKOE, BLACKOW, BLACOE, BLACOW, and BLAIKOE. For convenience, and because it seems to have been one of the most common spellings, we have decided to adopt "BLACKOW" for all of Edward's paternal ancestors.

Henry BLAKEY pedigree chart. Image courtesy of Williams Family Pages.
Edward Blakey,
Henry Blakey,
Margaret Blakey,
pedigree chart
Friday, January 22, 2010
BLACOW Surname Origins
Blacow is a locational surname from the Blacko area of Lancashire, which was in medieval times merely a scattering of farms with no hamlet or town. It is located in the north of the county a couple of miles north of Nelson, northwest of Colne, and east of Clitheroe. (See the red pin on the map below.)

Map of Blacko, Lancashire, England and surrounding areas. Image courtesy of Google Maps.
Blacow: Blaec Howe: White Hill. (White used for pale or shining--there was no word for white in Anglo-Saxon, also the root of the word "bleach.")
Blakey: Blaec Hey: White Border/Boundary. Blacko Hill is a limestone outcrop, and shows evidence of extensive ancient quarrying--the source of the name "White Hill."
The Anglo-Saxon word for "black" was "blac" and has confused translators for centuries, with many names now being re-translated as "white." The Black Dyke, for example, should be called the "White Dyke" as a lot of it was made of limestone.
Note that the ancient Black Dyke (the northern boundary of the old Anglo-Saxon country of Mercia) ran up and over one side of what is now Blacko Hill. The most prominent family of the area was Blakey, of Blakey Hall. There are several more areas in Yorkshire that produced the same name for the same reason, so there are many more Blakeys from and in Yorkshire than Lancashire.
The oldest document I have for a Blacow in Goosnargh is from 1526, and was for a Christopher Blakho. There are many other records found dating into the 1600s where similar spellings show that the "h" in "howe" was still being pronounced.
Being a locational surname, the Blacows in Lancashire are not necessarily related.
Blacow is a locational surname from the Blacko area of Lancashire, which was in medieval times merely a scattering of farms with no hamlet or town. It is located in the north of the county a couple of miles north of Nelson, northwest of Colne, and east of Clitheroe. (See the red pin on the map below.)

Map of Blacko, Lancashire, England and surrounding areas. Image courtesy of Google Maps.
Blacow: Blaec Howe: White Hill. (White used for pale or shining--there was no word for white in Anglo-Saxon, also the root of the word "bleach.")
Blakey: Blaec Hey: White Border/Boundary. Blacko Hill is a limestone outcrop, and shows evidence of extensive ancient quarrying--the source of the name "White Hill."
The Anglo-Saxon word for "black" was "blac" and has confused translators for centuries, with many names now being re-translated as "white." The Black Dyke, for example, should be called the "White Dyke" as a lot of it was made of limestone.
Note that the ancient Black Dyke (the northern boundary of the old Anglo-Saxon country of Mercia) ran up and over one side of what is now Blacko Hill. The most prominent family of the area was Blakey, of Blakey Hall. There are several more areas in Yorkshire that produced the same name for the same reason, so there are many more Blakeys from and in Yorkshire than Lancashire.
The oldest document I have for a Blacow in Goosnargh is from 1526, and was for a Christopher Blakho. There are many other records found dating into the 1600s where similar spellings show that the "h" in "howe" was still being pronounced.
Being a locational surname, the Blacows in Lancashire are not necessarily related.
surname origins,
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Naming Pattern for Children in the UK
This was such an integral part of life from medieval times until the late 1800s that it is never talked about except by us genealogists. It was how our ancestors showed honour to their parents, and if a child named after the parents died, the next one was given that name again. This custom was undoubtedly held in place by community pressure as any deviation would cause comment and speculation.
Once people moved to urban centres the naming pattern usually breaks down within a generation, as it also does after emigration to far away colonies. By the late 1800’s the naming pattern was used occasionally by traditionalist families, and then mostly in the country side - the north of England and Scotland were the strongest holdouts for change of the naming pattern.
Naming Pattern:
1. First son named after his mother’s father:
3. If you see a name that has a middle name, it is usually the surname of a person the child is named for, for example Isaac Warbrick Bamber – Isaac Warbrick was the name of the man he was named for. Individual middle names didn’t come into fashion until the very late 1800s.
Thus the naming pattern of their children can be used as a good guide to a couple’s parents’ names. It is most important that you have as complete a list of confirmed children as possible, and if you see names being repeated in a list of children, then you know that they are almost certainly the couple’s parents’ names.
This was such an integral part of life from medieval times until the late 1800s that it is never talked about except by us genealogists. It was how our ancestors showed honour to their parents, and if a child named after the parents died, the next one was given that name again. This custom was undoubtedly held in place by community pressure as any deviation would cause comment and speculation.
Once people moved to urban centres the naming pattern usually breaks down within a generation, as it also does after emigration to far away colonies. By the late 1800’s the naming pattern was used occasionally by traditionalist families, and then mostly in the country side - the north of England and Scotland were the strongest holdouts for change of the naming pattern.
Naming Pattern:
- 1st son named after his father’s father
- 2nd son named after his mother’s father
- 3rd son named after his father
- Any further sons were named after their parents’ brothers
- 1st daughter named after her mother’s mother
- 2nd daughter named after her father’s mother
- 3rd daughter after her mother
- Any further daughters were named after their parents’ sisters
1. First son named after his mother’s father:
- could be a suspected (or known) illegitimate child (check baptism record against marriage date)
- the father already has a son named after his father from previous unknown marriage or an illegitimate son
- there is a really bad break between the son’s father and his grandfather
3. If you see a name that has a middle name, it is usually the surname of a person the child is named for, for example Isaac Warbrick Bamber – Isaac Warbrick was the name of the man he was named for. Individual middle names didn’t come into fashion until the very late 1800s.
Thus the naming pattern of their children can be used as a good guide to a couple’s parents’ names. It is most important that you have as complete a list of confirmed children as possible, and if you see names being repeated in a list of children, then you know that they are almost certainly the couple’s parents’ names.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Richard BLACKOW (1707-1776)
Richard, son of William BLAIKOE of Catterall, was baptized on 3 Aug 1707 according to Garstang parish records on Ancestry.com. Catterall is a small village about 1.5 miles south and a little east of Garstang in Lancashire, England.

Catterall, Lancashire, England. Image courtesy of Apple Maps.
Unfortunately we don't know at this time to whom Richard BLACKOW was married or much else about him. There are no other records until the 1767 Returns of Papists (Worrall, 1980, V. 1, 108.) when we find him in Cabus as "Rich BLACOE" living with his son, Joseph.
Richard BLAKOE died in 1776. We are trying to acquire a copy of his will from the Lancashire Archives, but recently found a transcript of another researcher's copy on a Rootschat forum online. It reads as follows:
Richard BLACOW was buried at St. Helen's, Garstang, Lancashire on 1 Sep 1776 according to the parish records.

Detail of Parish Register burial record. Richard BLACOW of Claughton (1 Sep 1776). Image courtesy of Ancestry.com.

Detail of Bishop's Transcript burial record. Richard BLACOW of Claughton (1 Sep 1776). Image courtesy of Ancestry.com.

Catterall, Lancashire, England. Image courtesy of Apple Maps.
Unfortunately we don't know at this time to whom Richard BLACKOW was married or much else about him. There are no other records until the 1767 Returns of Papists (Worrall, 1980, V. 1, 108.) when we find him in Cabus as "Rich BLACOE" living with his son, Joseph.
Richard BLAKOE died in 1776. We are trying to acquire a copy of his will from the Lancashire Archives, but recently found a transcript of another researcher's copy on a Rootschat forum online. It reads as follows:
This is the last will and testament of Richard Blakoe of Snape Wood in Cabus in the parish of Garstang and County of Lancaster, yeoman by him made this 20th day of August in the year of our Lord 1776.Certainly it confirms the year of his death, as well as Joseph as his son, and John Baines as his son-in-law. We are still trying to determine how his niece Catherine Kilshaw is related.
First it is my will and mind that all my left debts & funeral expenses together with the probate of this my will be first of all fully discharged by my executors & executrix, hereafter nominated & appointed and I do subject all my effects to the full payment & discharge of the same.
I also give to my niece Catharine Kilshaw of Sandholme and John Baines in the Forest of Wyredale the sum of £201 and it is my will and mind that £150 due to me from my son in law John Baines of Sandholme be called in for the discharge of the said legacy. All the residuary part & surplus of my effects of what kind nature or quality so ever, I give, bequeath & divide to my son Joseph Blakoe.
Lastly I nominate, constitute and appoint my son Joseph Blakoe, John Baines of Wyredale aforesaid & my niece Catherine Kilshaw executors & executrix of this my will.
And this I declare to be my last will and testament & do hereby revoke all & every other will here before made by me any time in witness whereof I Richard Blakoe the Testator above named here unto subscribed my hand & seal the day & year above written.
Signed sealed published & declared by Richard Blakoe the Testator above named as and for his last Will & Testament in the presence of us who subscribed our names as witnesses here unto his request in his sight & presence & in the sight and presence of each other.
Witnesses John Serjeant & Thomas Corbis [Corlis?]
Signed with mark & seal
Richard Blakoe
1st September 1776
Joseph Blacow and Catherine Kilshaw two of the executors in this will named were sworn will and faithfully to execute and perform the same and so forth (Power being reserved for John Baines the other executor in the said will named) before me
James Fisher Surrogate[/i]
Richard BLACOW was buried at St. Helen's, Garstang, Lancashire on 1 Sep 1776 according to the parish records.

Detail of Parish Register burial record. Richard BLACOW of Claughton (1 Sep 1776). Image courtesy of Ancestry.com.

Detail of Bishop's Transcript burial record. Richard BLACOW of Claughton (1 Sep 1776). Image courtesy of Ancestry.com.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Joseph BLACKOW (c. 1743-1809)
Joseph BLACKOW was born about 1743 presumably in the township of Cabus, in Garstang parish, Lancashire, England. Unfortunately we have not found a baptismal record as of yet, but his burial records state that he was 66 years old in 1809 which would put his birth at around 1743. His father was Richard BLACKOW of Cabus. The name of his mother is still unknown.
On 23 Sep 1765 Joseph married Alice Park of Roseacre in Kirkham, Lancashire according to the Lancashire parish registers. Banns of marriage are a "public legal notice made in a church proclaiming an intention of impending marriage with the object that persons aware of any impediment to the marriage may make their objection known." (Britannica.com)

Marriage record. Joseph BLACKO and Alice Park (23 Sep 1765). Image courtesy of Ancestry.com.
Of note is that the ceremony was witnessed by his brother, Henry BLAKOE, and a William Park, an unknown, but probable relative of the bride. Also of note is that Joseph is described as a husbandman, which at that time was a free tenant farmer or small landowner. The bishop's transcript doesn't supply any additional information, but corroborates the date.

Detail of Bishop's Transcript. Image courtesy of Ancestry.com.
Some time in 1766, Joseph and Alice had a son who they named Richard following the tradition of naming the first son after his paternal grandfather. Sadly Alice may have died in childbirth. The Garstang parish records indicate the burial at St. Helen's Church of (interestingly) an "Ellin," wife of Joseph BLACKOW/BLEAKOW of Cabus on 22 Sep 1766, almost their first year anniversary. The reason for the name change is unknown, but it seems most probable that it is the same woman.

Details of Parish register (left) and Bishop's transcript (right) burial records. "Ellin" BLACKOW (22 Sep 1766). Images courtesy of Ancestry.com.
The following year both Joseph, 25, and his father "Rich" BLACOE, 61, are listed together as husbandmen residing for 20 years in Cabus, Garstang, Lancashire in the 1767 Returns of Papists (Worrall, 1980, V. 1, 108.) Joseph's one-year-old son, Richard, is living with his aunt and uncle in Barnacre with Bonds, Garstang.
On 29 Aug 1768 Joseph BLACKOE, husbandman of Cabus, signed and sealed a bond indicating his intention to marry Dorothy Robinson of Singleton township.

Bond. Joseph BLACKOE and John Robinson (29 Aug 1768). Image courtesy of Ancestry.com.
They were married on the same day in Kirkham, Lancashire. Witnesses were John Robinson and Jane Cornall.

Marriage record. Joseph BLACKOE and Dorothy Robinson (29 Aug 1768). Image courtesy of Amazon.com.
Joseph and Dorothy had at least three children: Ann (b. 1772), who married George Rogerson; Jennet (d. 1776); and Peggy (d. 1787). Unfortunately we do not know a whole lot about them. Dorothy died in 1797 and was buried 20 Dec 1797 according to the parish records and Ancestry.com database.

Details of Bishop's transcript (left) and Parish register (right) burial records. Dorothy BLACKOE (20 Dec 1797). Images courtesy of Ancestry.com.
By the time of Dorothy's death, Joseph was 54 and living in Claughton, about two and a half miles south of Garstang. Two months later on 20 Feb 1798 he signed another bond indicating his intention to marry Elizabeth "Betty" Threlfall. Henry Baines was Joseph's nephew, the son of his sister Mary.

Bond. Joseph BLACKOE and Henry Baines (20 Feb 1798). Image courtesy of Ancestry.com.
Joseph and Betty were married the following day, 21 Feb 1798. Witnesses were Henry Baines and John Cornthwaite.

Marriage record. Joseph BLACOE and Betty Threlfall (21 Feb 1798). Image courtesy of Ancestry.com.
A few months later on 19 May 1798, it appears that Joseph fathered an illegitimate child, Henry, with a Jane Smith. The record doesn't specify whether his surname was BLACKOE or Smith. The child would have had to have been conceived around July 1797 before his previous wife Dorothy had passed away.
Joseph lived another eleven years and died in 1809. He was buried at St. Helen's in Garstang parish, Lancashire on 17 Oct 1809.

Details of Bishop's transcript (left) and Parish register (right) burial records. Joseph BLACKOE (17 Oct 1809). Images courtesy of Ancestry.com.
On 23 Sep 1765 Joseph married Alice Park of Roseacre in Kirkham, Lancashire according to the Lancashire parish registers. Banns of marriage are a "public legal notice made in a church proclaiming an intention of impending marriage with the object that persons aware of any impediment to the marriage may make their objection known." (Britannica.com)

Marriage record. Joseph BLACKO and Alice Park (23 Sep 1765). Image courtesy of Ancestry.com.
Of note is that the ceremony was witnessed by his brother, Henry BLAKOE, and a William Park, an unknown, but probable relative of the bride. Also of note is that Joseph is described as a husbandman, which at that time was a free tenant farmer or small landowner. The bishop's transcript doesn't supply any additional information, but corroborates the date.

Detail of Bishop's Transcript. Image courtesy of Ancestry.com.
Some time in 1766, Joseph and Alice had a son who they named Richard following the tradition of naming the first son after his paternal grandfather. Sadly Alice may have died in childbirth. The Garstang parish records indicate the burial at St. Helen's Church of (interestingly) an "Ellin," wife of Joseph BLACKOW/BLEAKOW of Cabus on 22 Sep 1766, almost their first year anniversary. The reason for the name change is unknown, but it seems most probable that it is the same woman.

Details of Parish register (left) and Bishop's transcript (right) burial records. "Ellin" BLACKOW (22 Sep 1766). Images courtesy of Ancestry.com.
The following year both Joseph, 25, and his father "Rich" BLACOE, 61, are listed together as husbandmen residing for 20 years in Cabus, Garstang, Lancashire in the 1767 Returns of Papists (Worrall, 1980, V. 1, 108.) Joseph's one-year-old son, Richard, is living with his aunt and uncle in Barnacre with Bonds, Garstang.
On 29 Aug 1768 Joseph BLACKOE, husbandman of Cabus, signed and sealed a bond indicating his intention to marry Dorothy Robinson of Singleton township.

Bond. Joseph BLACKOE and John Robinson (29 Aug 1768). Image courtesy of Ancestry.com.
They were married on the same day in Kirkham, Lancashire. Witnesses were John Robinson and Jane Cornall.

Marriage record. Joseph BLACKOE and Dorothy Robinson (29 Aug 1768). Image courtesy of Amazon.com.
Joseph and Dorothy had at least three children: Ann (b. 1772), who married George Rogerson; Jennet (d. 1776); and Peggy (d. 1787). Unfortunately we do not know a whole lot about them. Dorothy died in 1797 and was buried 20 Dec 1797 according to the parish records and Ancestry.com database.

Details of Bishop's transcript (left) and Parish register (right) burial records. Dorothy BLACKOE (20 Dec 1797). Images courtesy of Ancestry.com.
By the time of Dorothy's death, Joseph was 54 and living in Claughton, about two and a half miles south of Garstang. Two months later on 20 Feb 1798 he signed another bond indicating his intention to marry Elizabeth "Betty" Threlfall. Henry Baines was Joseph's nephew, the son of his sister Mary.

Bond. Joseph BLACKOE and Henry Baines (20 Feb 1798). Image courtesy of Ancestry.com.
Joseph and Betty were married the following day, 21 Feb 1798. Witnesses were Henry Baines and John Cornthwaite.

Marriage record. Joseph BLACOE and Betty Threlfall (21 Feb 1798). Image courtesy of Ancestry.com.
A few months later on 19 May 1798, it appears that Joseph fathered an illegitimate child, Henry, with a Jane Smith. The record doesn't specify whether his surname was BLACKOE or Smith. The child would have had to have been conceived around July 1797 before his previous wife Dorothy had passed away.
Joseph lived another eleven years and died in 1809. He was buried at St. Helen's in Garstang parish, Lancashire on 17 Oct 1809.

Details of Bishop's transcript (left) and Parish register (right) burial records. Joseph BLACKOE (17 Oct 1809). Images courtesy of Ancestry.com.
Last Will and Testament of Joseph BLACKOE (1808)

Detail from page 3 of Joseph BLACKOE's will (2 Sep 1808). Image credit: Lancashire Archives who hold the copyright. It is believed its presentation here falls under fair use.
Last Will and Testament of Joseph Blackoe of Claughton
Transcribed and edited by Mark D. Williams, D.M.A.1
In the Name of God, Amen. I, Joseph Blackoe of Claughton, in the Parish of Garstang, in the County of Lancaster, yeoman, do make this my Last Will and Testament in manner and Form following.
In the first place, I order and direct all my just Debts, and Funeral and Testamentary Expences to be paid out of my personal Estate.
Then I give, devise, and bequeath unto George Rogerson of Garstang, Surgeon,2 Joseph Shepherd of Bonds,3 and Henry Smith of Ellel4 in the said County, their Heirs, Executors, Administrators and Assigns, All my Messuages,5 Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments,6 Estates, and Effects whatsoever, and wheresoever, and of what Nature, Kind, or Quality so ever, both real and personal, upon special Trust and Confidence; nevertheless that they, the said George Rogerson, Joseph Shepherd, and Henry Smith, or the Survivor of them, or the Heirs, Executors, or Administrators of such Survivors, shall and do from time to time when and as they think fitting call in and replace all my Monies out at Interest and convert my Goods, Cattle, and Farming Stock into Money and let and set my real Estate and receive the Rents, Issues, and Profits thereof, and shall and do pay and apply the Interest of the Monies so to be placed out and the Rents, Issues, and Profits accruing on to grow due for or in respect of my said real Estate in manner following; that is to say, Upon Trust that they, my said Executors above mentioned, or the survivor of them, or the Heirs, Executors, or Administrators of such Survivors, shall and do well & truly pay, or cause to be paid, unto my dear wife, Betty,7 yearly & every year for and during the term of her natural life, (in case she shall so continue my Widow but not otherwise) an Annuity or clear yearly Sum of Twenty Pounds by two equal half yearly payments on the Twelfth Day of May & the Eleventh Day of November, the first payment to be made on such of those days as may happen next after my decease and the same to be in Lieu and Bar of all Power out of my real Estates. But if my said wife happens to marry again it is my Will that after such second Marriage the said Annuity of Twenty Pounds shall cease and terminate. And my said Trustees may allow my wife to take and use during the Term of her natural Life one Bed, Bedsteads, and suitable Bedding for the same at her own choice and as much of my Household Furniture as they may think sufficient to furnish a Room and at her decease to give the said Furniture either to my Son, Richard, or my daughter, Ann, as my wife shall appoint by Will or otherwise during her Lifetime.
And upon Trust that my said Trustees, or the Survivors of them, or the Heirs, Executors, or Administrators of such Survivor, shall and do pay or cause to be paid unto my Son, Richard Blackoe, and Peggy,8 his wife, yearly and every year during the Term of their natural Lives and the Life of the Survivor of them, the yearly Interest of the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds. But it is my Will and Mind that in case the said Peggy Blackoe shall survive her said Husband and marry again, then, and in such case, or from and immediately after the Death of such Survivor, such Sum of Two Hundred Pounds shall be called in, and be paid to, and equally divided amongst the lawfull Issue of the said Richard Blackoe who shall then be living share and share
alike, and it [is] my Will that if my son, Richard Blackoe, or Peggy, persume [sic] to sell, Convay [sic] by anny [sic] deed the yearly sum of ten pounds yearly, then I order my Executors to dispose to Issue of my son, Richard, share and share alike.9
[signed] Jos.h Blackoe
[Editor’s note: The first page of the will ends here.]
alike. And upon Trust that my said Trustees pay or cause to be paid in Twelve Calendar months next after my decease unto William Ward and Molly Towers, Son and Daughter of William Ward formerly of Fowler Hill in the said County, Blacksmith Deceased, the Sum of Fifty Pounds each.
It is further my will and Mind that my said Trustees shall and do out of the Rents, Issues, proceeds, and Profits of my real and Personal Estate maintain, educate & bring up Henry Smith, natural Son of Jane Smith (formerly a Servant of mine and now the wife of Peter Sharples) until my said Trustees shall think it adviseable to place him out an Apprentice, and also provide him with what my said Trustees may in their discretion think fitting during his Apprenticeship, and when the said Henry Smith attains to the Age of Twenty-one, it is my Will and Mind that my said Trustees shall and do pay him the Sum of Two hundred Pounds. But in case the said Henry Smith shall depart this Life before he attains to the Age of Twenty-one years, it is my Will and Mind that the said Legacy or Sum of Two hundred Pounds shall become and be deemed to be part of my residuary Estate.
It is also my Will and mind that my Trustees shall and do pay to the Reverend John Barrow of Garstang the Sum of Ten Pounds as soon as convenient after my decease.
As to all the neat [net?] Rents, Issues, and Profits of all the rest, residue and remainder of all my real and personal Estates, it is my Will and Mind that my said Trustees shall pay and apply the whole thereof unto my Daughter, Ann, the Wife of George Rogerson aforesaid during the Term of her natural Life. Her receipt alone whether sole or married and not withstanding her Coverture10 to be from time to time a valid Discharge.
And it is my Will and Mind that my said Trustess shall pay unto the said George Rogerson from the time of the decease of my said Daughter, Ann, in case he happens to survive her, all the Rents[?], Issues, proceeds and Profits hereby devised to or in Trust for my said Daughter during the Widowhood of the said George Rogerson, and from and immediately after the death or second Marriage of the said George Rogerson, it is my Will and Mind that my said Trustees, or the Survivor of them, or the Heirs, Executors, or Administrators of such Survivor shal and do grant, convey, pay, divide, and apply the whole of all my Messuages, Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, and real and personal Estate unto such of the Children of my said Daughter Ann Rogerson and in such Parts, shares, and Pro-portions, and in such Sort, Manner, and Form as my said Daughter, Ann, shall by any Deed or Instrument in Writing, or by her Last Will and Testament in Writing, or by any Writing purporting to be her Last Will and Testament, order, direct, limit, appoint, give, or devise the same. And in Default of such order, direction, Limitation, Appointment, Gift, or Devise unto & equally between and amongst all and every the Child and Children of my said Daughter, Ann, who shall be living at the time of her Decease as Tenants in common for ever.
And it is my Will and Mind that my said Trustees, or the Survivor of them, or the Heirs of such Survivor shall and may at his or their Discretion absolutely sell and dispose of, and grant and convey all my Messuages, Tenements, Lands, Grounds, and Hereditaments, either in publick or private Sale for the best price and prices and most money that can or may be had or gotten for the same and receive and give Discharges for the Purchase Money.
And it is my Will and Mind that Receipt and Receipts of my said Trustees and
[signed] Jos.h Blackoe
[Editor’s note: The second page of the will ends here.]
the Survivor of them shall be good, valid, and effectual that from and after such Receipt or Receipts so given such Purchaser or Purchasers shall not be concerned to see to the Application of the Purchase Money, nor be answerable or accountable for the Misapplication or Nonapplication thereof.
And it is my Will and Mind that my said Trustees shall from time to time be reimbursed and satisfied for all their Journeys, Trouble, Loss of Time, and for all Costs, Charges, and Expences to be from time to time incurred in the Repairs of Buildings, or in Maintenance, or Defence of the Trusts hereby in them reposed out of my said residuary Estate. And that they shall not be answerable or accountable for any Losses (unless wilful Losses) which may happen in the Execution of the Trust hereby in them reposed.
And I hereby constitute and appoint them, the said George Rogerson, Joseph Shepherd, and Henry Smith, joint Executors of this my Will and Testament, and hereby revoking all Wills by me heretofore made I declare this clone to be my Last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have at the Bottom of the two first Sheets of this my Will (the whole whereof is contained in three Sheets of paper) subscribed my name, and to this third and last Sheet set my Hand and Seal this second day of September in the year of our Lord one Thousen Eight Hundred eight.
[signed] Jos.h Blackoe [seal]
Signed, sealed, published, and declared by the said Joseph Blackoe as and for his Last Will and Testa-ment in the presence of us who [illegible] presence at his Request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as wit-nesses.
[signed] Richard Rowcroft
[signed] John Rowcroft
[signed] Thomas Wilding
[Editor’s note: The third page of the will ends here. On the reverse of the third page is the writing below.]
On the twentieth day of November in the year of our Lord Christ One thousand eight hundred and nine This will was proved in common form and George Rogerson one of the Executors (power being reserved for Joseph Shepherd and Henry Smith the other Executors therein named) within named was sworn well and truly to execute and perform the same and so forth, and that according to the best of his knowledge and belief the whole of this personal Estate and Effects of which the within named Joseph Blackoe died possessed within the Archdeaconry of Richmond in the Diocese of Chester did not in real value amount to the sum of One thousand and five hundred pounds.
Before me,
[signed] Joseph Rowley
Surrogate in the Vacancy of the See of Chester
1 This transcription is from a digitized copy of Joseph Blackoe’s will received from the Lancashire Archives (WRW-A-R121b-69) who also own the copyright. Additional punctuation and paragraph divisions have been added to aid the reader. Original spellings, capitalization, and other errors have been maintained. Editor’s notes are in brackets.
2 George Rogerson (1761-1846) was the husband of Joseph’s daughter, Ann Blackoe (b. 1772), by his second wife, Dorothy Robinson (c. 1745-1797).
3 At this time the relationship of Joseph Shepherd to Joseph Blackoe is unknown.
4 Henry Smith (b. 1798) was Joseph Blackoe’s natural son by Jane Smith and is mentioned later in the will. However, since he would have only been ten years old at the time this will was written, it seems unlikely he would be designated as an executor. Perhaps Henry Smith of Ellel is a different Henry Smith.
5 A messuage (pronounced MESS-widge) was “a dwelling house with outbuildings and land assigned to its use.”
6 A hereditament was “any item of property, either a corporeal hereditament (land or a building) or an incorporeal hereditament (such as a rent), that can be inherited.”
7 Joseph’s third wife was Betty Threlfall (1751-1816).
8 Joseph’s oldest son, Richard Blackoe (1767-1855), married Margaret “Peggy” Charnley.
9It appears this section was added later.
10Coverture is “the legal status of a married woman, considered to be under her husband's protection and authority.”
Monday, January 18, 2010
Richard BLACKOW (c. 1766-1855)
Richard BLACKOW was born about 1766 in Garstang, Lancashire, England (1851 ENG Census), the son of Joseph and Alice/Ellin (Park) BLACKOW. Unfortunately we haven't discovered a baptismal record for Richard as of yet. His mother died either in childbirth or shortly thereafter.
A year later we find him listed as 1 year old "Richd BLACOE" in the 1767 Returns of Papists (Worrall, 1980, V. 1, 107) living with his uncle and aunt, John and Mary (BLACKOW) Baines in Barnacre with Bonds, in Garstang parish, Lancashire.
On 6 Jan 1790 he signed and sealed a bond indicating his intention to marry Margaret "Peggy" Charnley. Margaret was the daughter of John (1736-1814) and Ann (Pye) Charnley (1736-1812).

Bond. Richard BLACKOE and John Swanbrick (6 Jan 1790). Images courtesy of Ancestry.com.
The next day they married in the parish church in Cockerham, Lancashire as we can see by the parish register.

Marriage record. Richard BLACKOE and Margret Charnley (7 Jan 1790). Image courtesy of Ancestry.com.
Richard and "Peggy" had a large family of four boys and three girls: Joseph (1790- ); John (1792-1859); William (1797- ); Alice (1799-1803); Thomas (1801- ); Ann "Nancy" (1802-1837); our Edward (1804-1886/9); and Alice (1807- ). As mentioned above, it was also customary that if a child died, the next child of that sex would be named after his or her deceased sibling. This is why we see two girls named Alice.
In 1798 Mr. Rd. BLACOE appears as the Proprietor in a record Ancestry.com refers to as the UK, Land Tax Redemption. The residence is listed as Cleveley, Lancashire, which is near Garstang, and is also where his first daughter Alice's burial record indicates he lived in 1803.
We don't have any additional records for several decades until 1841 when Margaret died. She was buried on 16 May at St. Helen's Church in Churchtown near Garstang.

Detail of Burial record. Margaret BLACOW (16 May 1841). Image courtesy of Ancestry.com.
A year later we find him listed as 1 year old "Richd BLACOE" in the 1767 Returns of Papists (Worrall, 1980, V. 1, 107) living with his uncle and aunt, John and Mary (BLACKOW) Baines in Barnacre with Bonds, in Garstang parish, Lancashire.
On 6 Jan 1790 he signed and sealed a bond indicating his intention to marry Margaret "Peggy" Charnley. Margaret was the daughter of John (1736-1814) and Ann (Pye) Charnley (1736-1812).

Bond. Richard BLACKOE and John Swanbrick (6 Jan 1790). Images courtesy of Ancestry.com.
The next day they married in the parish church in Cockerham, Lancashire as we can see by the parish register.

Marriage record. Richard BLACKOE and Margret Charnley (7 Jan 1790). Image courtesy of Ancestry.com.
Richard and "Peggy" had a large family of four boys and three girls: Joseph (1790- ); John (1792-1859); William (1797- ); Alice (1799-1803); Thomas (1801- ); Ann "Nancy" (1802-1837); our Edward (1804-1886/9); and Alice (1807- ). As mentioned above, it was also customary that if a child died, the next child of that sex would be named after his or her deceased sibling. This is why we see two girls named Alice.
In 1798 Mr. Rd. BLACOE appears as the Proprietor in a record Ancestry.com refers to as the UK, Land Tax Redemption. The residence is listed as Cleveley, Lancashire, which is near Garstang, and is also where his first daughter Alice's burial record indicates he lived in 1803.
We don't have any additional records for several decades until 1841 when Margaret died. She was buried on 16 May at St. Helen's Church in Churchtown near Garstang.

Detail of Burial record. Margaret BLACOW (16 May 1841). Image courtesy of Ancestry.com.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
1841 England Census: Richard BLACO
On 6 Jun 1841, about a month after Richard's wife Margaret passed away, the 1841 Census for England was taken. Richard was 75 and living alone on Scotland Road in Garstang, Lancashire. His occupation is listed as Agricultural Laborer.

Detail of 1841 England Census. Image courtesy of Ancestry.com.
Richard Blaco / 75 / Ag Lab / y
Source Citation: Class: HO107; Piece: 495; Book: 10; Civil Parish: Garstang; County: Lancashire; Enumeration District: 1; Folio: 5; Page: 4; Line: 22; GSU roll: 306886.
Source Information: Ancestry.com. 1841 England Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc, 2010.

Detail of 1841 England Census. Image courtesy of Ancestry.com.
Richard Blaco / 75 / Ag Lab / y
Source Citation: Class: HO107; Piece: 495; Book: 10; Civil Parish: Garstang; County: Lancashire; Enumeration District: 1; Folio: 5; Page: 4; Line: 22; GSU roll: 306886.
Source Information: Ancestry.com. 1841 England Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc, 2010.
1841 England Census,
Richard Blackow
Saturday, January 16, 2010
1851 England Census: William, Richard, and Joseph BLACKOW
In 1851 we find Richard BLACKOW, age 84, living in Manchester on 12 Boond Street with his sons, William and Joseph, and his grandson, George Holden. George, 20, was the son of William and Joseph's sister, Ann "Nancy," and her husband John Holden.

1851 England Census. Image courtesy of Ancestry.com.
208 / 12 Boond St. / William Blackow / Head / Unmarr / 50 / Master Carter / Lancashire, Chorley
Richard " / Father / Widr / 84 / Retired Carter / " Garstang
Joseph " / Brother / U / 60 / Servant Man / " Cleavly [sic]
George Holden / Nephew / U / 20 / Servant Man / Westmorland, Kendal
Harriet Bradley / Servant / U / 54 / House Servant / Lancashire, Manchester
Source Citation: Class: HO107; Piece: 2226; Folio: 451; Page: 56.
Source Information: Ancestry.com. 1851 England Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2005.

1851 England Census. Image courtesy of Ancestry.com.
208 / 12 Boond St. / William Blackow / Head / Unmarr / 50 / Master Carter / Lancashire, Chorley
Richard " / Father / Widr / 84 / Retired Carter / " Garstang
Joseph " / Brother / U / 60 / Servant Man / " Cleavly [sic]
George Holden / Nephew / U / 20 / Servant Man / Westmorland, Kendal
Harriet Bradley / Servant / U / 54 / House Servant / Lancashire, Manchester
Source Citation: Class: HO107; Piece: 2226; Folio: 451; Page: 56.
Source Information: Ancestry.com. 1851 England Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2005.
Death of Richard BLACKOW (3 Sep 1855)
Ancestry.com has a burial record for a Richard BLACKOE who died in 1855 at the age of 89 and was buried on 8 Sep at St. Mary's in Walsall, Staffordshire. It seems likely he had moved there with his grandson, George Holden, sometime shortly after the 1851 Census. In 1861, George is living in Bloxwich, a village a couple of miles north of Walsall, and in 1871, in Walsall on 40 Orlando Street.
A certified copy of the death certificate indicates that Richard died on 3 Sep 1855 on Orlando St. The informant was Richard's daughter, Ann "Nancy" (BLACKOW) Holden who also lived on Orlando Street and was present at the death.

Certified Copy of an Entry of Death. Richard BLACKOE (3 Sep 1855). Image courtesy of Mark D. Williams.
A certified copy of the death certificate indicates that Richard died on 3 Sep 1855 on Orlando St. The informant was Richard's daughter, Ann "Nancy" (BLACKOW) Holden who also lived on Orlando Street and was present at the death.

Certified Copy of an Entry of Death. Richard BLACKOE (3 Sep 1855). Image courtesy of Mark D. Williams.
Ann Blackow Holden,
George Holden,
Richard Blackow