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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Couple Observe 25th Anniversary

"Couple Observe 25th Anniversary" (22 Aug 1952).

Couple Observe 25th Anniversary

Open house hours were held at the Windom Evangelical Lutheran church on Sunday afternoon for Mr. and Mrs. Verland Blakey, who were celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary.

The guest book, which was in [the] charge of Miss Elaine Graves of Minneapolis, showed that 125 relatives and friends visited with the honored couple and enjoyed the afternoon program.

Roland Graves of Lakefield was master of ceremonies during the program which included a cornet solo, "The Lord's Prayer," by Dean Brand, a vocal duet by Pastor and Mrs. F. R. Lien, and a reading which was given by Mrs. Olga Swenson. Rev. Lien also gave a short message and presented the Blakeys with a gift. Mrs. Lyder Larson played the wedding marches.

Refreshments were served from a table prettily decorated in blue and silver, centered with a three-tier wedding caked, which was cut and served by Mrs. George Freeman of Walnut Grove. Mrs. R. R. Rost of Lakefield and Mrs. A. C. Leen of Windom poured. Mrs. B. F. Barklow, Jr., and Beverly Miller of Windom were dining room hostesses. A group of eight friends of the family made kitchen arrangements.

Special guests at the affair were the bridesmaid and best man of 25 years ago. They were Mrs. Harlan Cook, a friend, of near Bergen, and Orville Blakey, the bridegroom's brother of Jackson. Mrs. Lottie Blakey, only living parents [sic] of the couple, was also here to enjoy the day.

Other out-of-town guests came from Minneapolis, Triumph, Jackson, Lakefield, Walnut Grove, Sanborn and Spirit Lake, Iowa.


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